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and donate them
Safe Water

£120 can give a family a water resource to survive.

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Food Packs

Feed a Family for an entire Month for only £50

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Gaza Emergency

Love Gaza when it is needed the most. Join Mission Salaam

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Help Mothers in Uganda

Help mothers in Uganda with Livelihood. Join Mission Salaam

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Help Syria (Shaam)

Love Syria when it is needed the most. Join Mission Salaam

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Homes for Widows

Build homes for the widows living in difficulties

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Income Generation

Give your Zakat to help someone to lift up from poverty

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Masjid Construction

We build all Masjids with Madrassah facility for children

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Yemen Emergency

Help Yemen in their crisis. Provide clean water with Mission Salaam

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The Mighty Fiver

Your £5 or £10 Direct Debit can do miracles and does not bother your finances

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Winter Warmers

Your £40 can save someone's child's life this winter

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